How To Sell On Prime Day (without selling on Amazon)

If you follow me on social (LinkedIn, Instagram) then you’ve probably heard me talking this week across social media about Amazon’s upcoming Prime Day event, which is happening next Tuesday July 11 and Wednesday July 12. 

I shared 5 steps that online brands can take to leverage the Prime Day event for their own DTC business and make next week their best sales week so far in 2023: 

  1. Create an offer

  2. Price the offer

  3. Tease the offer

  4. Setup event emails to promote the offer

  5. Promote the offer via social 

If you haven’t seen the full post yet, check it out on LinkedIn

I’ve tested and I know this 5-step strategy works; I want to take a few moments today to share with you the why behind the what. 

First, a quick word about Amazon’s Prime Day – if you don’t know, it’s hands down the second most important American shopping event. What’s first? Black Friday. 

According to Jungle Scout, 68% of consumers – that’s 2 in every 3 people – are likely to shop during Amazon’s Prime Day event next week. And while Amazon reported $3 billion in sales during Prime Day last year, and even larger $12 billion was spent in total consumer sales across all retailers during the event (Adobe Analytics). That’s a lot of shopping action concentrated into a 48-hour period. 

Trust that your business’ customers are shopping and want to buy from you, a brand with which they have a relationship. 

Here are 3 reasons why the 5-steps can lead to your best week yet: 

#1 Your customer is getting primed to shop and buy next week - whether you make them an offer or not. 

Consumers are being bombarded with Amazon’s advertising right now to promote the event across, streaming TV, display ads, and more. Your brand’s customers will know very soon that Prime Day is happening next week. What you, the business leader, need to decide is that you want to get in the action and win sales during the event. 

#2 Your customer knows to look for you - when you tell them that you're going to be in the game.

While Amazon has a multi-million-dollar media campaign to drive awareness for their event, your DTC brand’s upcoming promotion probably doesn't. An email campaign is the best tactic to tell your customers (who have already bought from you or want to buy from you) that you’re going to have a promotion. We want them to psychologically budget for you when they’re shopping around next week. 

#3 Your customer has only 48-hours to shop this event and they’re going to fatigue quickly – you can make it easier by showing them what they want to buy from you. 

Don’t offer a percent off promotion across your whole site – that’s asking your customer to do the work to both pick what to buy and to do the math and determine if the promotion is a great value. You know the products that your customers most want to buy from you (and if you don't, hit reply and I can help show you). Serve the customer what they want at a price that’s easy to convert. ​

Growing your DTC brand can lots of challenges, but you can take advantage of the Prime Day event next week to deliver great sales to your business in July. It can also set you up for longer-term growth and future wins over Black Friday, but we’ll talk about in the upcoming weeks

Are you implementing these 5 steps this week to grow your DTC business during Amazon Prime Day? Do you know which products in your store to promote? What help do you need to get this done?


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